CBSE Result 12th

CBSE Result 12th

CBSE Result 12th

Congratulate the Nalanda International School, Gohana Achievers!

To All Students:

Your dedication, hard work, and determination have paid off! It is no small accomplishment to score 90% or more, and you have demonstrated that hard work can lead to excellence. 🎓

Your school, parents, and teachers are so proud of you.  Keep in mind that you are only beginning your path to greatness. Aim high, be inquisitive, and keep shining in all that you do.

“The sky is simply the beginning; it is not the limit!”

Enjoy your success and prepare for even greater ones in the future. The world is eagerly awaiting your genius! 

Warm regards, Nalanda International School, Gohana ❤️

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